Θλίψη στο twitter για το θάνατο της Βασίλισσας Ελισάβετ – «Ξημερώνει μια εντελώς διαφορετική μέρα»
Σε ηλικία 96 ετών, η Βασίλισσα Ελισάβετ έφυγε από τη ζωή και μαζί της έκλεισε ένα ολόκληρο κεφάλαιο της Ιστορίας καθώς επρόκειτο για τη μακροβιότερη μονάρχη παγκοσμίως.
Εκτός από την οικογένεια της όμως, ο θάνατός της έχει προκαλέσει θλίψη παγκοσμίως.
Οι χρήστες του twitter, παγκοσμίως έσπευσαν να πουν το δικό τους «αντίο» στη Βασίλισσα Ελισάβετ.
«Η γέφυρα του Λονδίνου έπεσε», φωτογραφίες από την πορεία της Βασίλισσας και μηνύματα μνήμης είναι μερικά από τα tweet.
Rest in Peace Ma’am 😢
Such sad sad news x#HRH #RestInPeace #QueenElizabeth pic.twitter.com/t2feUp5G9g— Alison M (@ecozh5) September 8, 2022
RIP Queen Elizabeth II #QueenElizabeth
— Brian Ashton (@bashton87) September 8, 2022
The loss is not among just in #Britain, the death of long-standing and respected ruler #QueenElizabeth is mourned worldwide. Her #majesty was appreciated across party lines. Served as ruler while Churchill was prime minister. #londonbridgeisfallingdownhttps://t.co/2JOfrR507m
— Matias Päivä (@Paivantwiitit) September 8, 2022
A proper RIP from me. Much respect to our Queen.
Not sure where the monarchy should truly go from here, but that’s for another day entirely. #HerMajesty #QueenElizabeth
— brownblade (@brownblade) September 8, 2022
A mother, a grandmother, a great grandmother. Our Queen, Elizabeth II #QueenElizabeth
— Kyle (@Kyle_Stu_) September 8, 2022
“London Bridge has fallen.”#QueenElizabeth 😢🙏
— Red Wolf 🇵🇭 🇳🇱 🇧🇪 TacVTuber (@Red_W0lf_ACTUAL) September 8, 2022
i’m still deeply shocked 🙁#QueenElizabeth
— peach 🌻 will see harry (@_canyonxmoon) September 8, 2022
Keep unfortunate colonial reminders to yourself. The Queen was an epic symbol of majesty that was loved and revered by many. She carried her stature with grace so let people remember her that way. Let those who loved her mourn her in peace. Your venom can wait. #QueenElizabeth
— malik sb. (@SassiLannister) September 8, 2022
#QueenElizabeth 1961 – Lerner-Loewe 1960 musical “Don’t let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment, that was known as #Camelot” #KingArthur scholar Norris Lacy “Camelot, located no where in particular, can be anywhere.” pic.twitter.com/Bva3ekk1AL
— Dick Sowa (@Mediagig) September 8, 2022
Such a sad day for our country & the World. Rest peacefully our gracious #Queen. You served your country with grace, decorum & upmost commitment. God bless you, and your family. #GodBlessOurQueen #QueenElizabeth #RestInPeace #Commonwealth #GreatBritain 🇬🇧 pic.twitter.com/1tSliyizrT
— Jake Marriott (@AmboManJake) September 8, 2022